Saturday, November 10, 2012


Why not then President Obama?The first 2 years you had a chance to do all we hoped for.You had your mandate to push through legislation with a Majority in Congress.I thought and hoped you would just say you made a mistake back then.Yes,the Senate gave you the usual trouble fighting to not allow your appointments of key heads of state.However,you were elected & the politics sucked you in by delaying appointments.You could've not allowed them to waste those precious 2 years.That window of chance to "JUST DO SOMETHING"! Anything is better than doing nothing.Admit it and now move forward in your last chance to do to do something about the economy.About stopping a Nuclear Iran,possibly mid-East peace.You will have an uphill Battle now and you must learn from past Presidents who reached out to the other side.Admit it you made a mistake those first 2 years & now you will have a chance to give all Americans what the Vote of %52-%48 represents.We all want Something Done! We may all want to get there in a liberal way or a Conservative way but we all want a better America. The Mandate IS MR.OBAMA TO GO TO THE MIDDLE & COMPROMISE BYPASS THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE FOR HE NEEDS TO BE RE-ELECTED - LEAVE HIM TO HIS RE-ELECTION & JOIN WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE & GET SOMETHING DONE! APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR LOST CHANCE TO THE ULTRA-LEFT IN PRIVATE (those who wont or can't due to re-elections in ultra-liberal areas just forget them ) GO TO THE STRONG MEMBERS & JOIN TOGETHER A NEW GROUP OF MEMBERS (CALL YOURSELVES) SOME FANCY NAME LIKE THE COALITION OF DOING SOMETHING & DO SOMETHING!!!!!!PLEASE ,WE ARE SUFFERING OUT HERE IN THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

President Obama please help the middle class

Why not then President Obama?The first 2 years you had a chance to do all we hoped for.You had your mandate to push through legislation with a Majority in Congress.I thought and hoped you would just say you made a mistake back then.Yes,the Senate gave you the usual trouble fighting to not allow your appointments of key heads of state.However,you were elected & the politics sucked you in by delaying appointments.You could've not allowed them to waste those precious 2 years.That window of chance to "JUST DO SOMETHING"! Anything is better than doing nothing.Admit it and now move forward in your last chance to do to do something about the economy.About stopping a Nuclear Iran,possibly mid-East peace.You will have an uphill Battle now and you must learn from past Presidents who reached out to the other side.Admit it you made a mistake those first 2 years & now you will have a chance to give all Americans what the Vote of %52-%48 represents.We all want Something Done! We may all want to get there in a liberal way or a Conservative way but we all want a better America. The Mandate IS MR.OBAMA TO GO TO THE MIDDLE & COMPROMISE BYPASS THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE FOR HE NEEDS TO BE RE-ELECTED - LEAVE HIM TO HIS RE-ELECTION & JOIN WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE & GET SOMETHING DONE! APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR LOST CHANCE TO THE ULTRA-LEFT IN PRIVATE (those who wont or can't due to re-elections in ultra-liberal areas just forget them ) GO TO THE STRONG MEMBERS & JOIN TOGETHER A NEW GROUP OF MEMBERS (CALL YOURSELVES) SOME FANCY NAME LIKE THE COALITION OF DOING SOMETHING & DO SOMETHING!!!!!!PLEASE ,WE ARE SUFFERING OUT HERE IN THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA